Polkadot governance news #8: OpenGov is live on Polkadot with almost 90 proposed referenda in 42 days
With nearly 90 proposed referenda in just 42days, averaging 2 new referenda per day, OpenGov is thriving on Polkadot. Similar to Kusama’s HACN, we’ve seen whales casting NAY votes, including an astonishing 12.82M DOT account.
Empowering token holders, OpenGov brings open governance and decision-making to the Polkadot community. Support thresholds and mandatory delays ensure a sane process. Regular participation will strengthen decentralization.
With v1.0.0’s release, the community takes the lead with runtime code handed over from Parity to the Polkadot Technical Fellowship, heading to a new stage of decentralization in the building process. Welcome to the new era of Polkadot network where community decision matter.
In our governance news, we focus mostly on spending referenda such as Small Spender, Medium Spender, Big Spender and Treasurer with some exceptions on some interesting referenda or heavily discussed ones.
We focus also on the referenda of Polkadot and Kusama parachains, as they are as important as those on relay chains.
- Polkadot Referendum #75 Polkashots.io Cloud Costs January-April 2023 was rejected. Polkashots.io was the first snapshot service for validators and node operators available since Early 2021. During its time, it provided a valuable service to validators and Parity engineers alike, that ensured the reliability of our network.
- Polkadot Referendum #47 Approve Polkadot Assurance Legion Bounty passed. It aims to contribute to an overall greater level of security in the Polkadot ecosystem by establishing a pool of high-quality auditing companies specializing in Rust. The requested amount was 540 000 DOT.
- Polkadot Referendum #35 Polkadotters — retroactive and future funding of community-powered media for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem in 2022–2024 was approved. Thanks to everyone who helped us by voting AYE on this referendum, we appreciate that and will hard to fulfill our targets and support the Polkadot ecosystem with valuable content.
- Polkadot Referendum #30 OpenGov submission of Motion 420 - Upstream funding Matrix.org Foundation was rejected after a big community discussion and a 5M vote by some anonymous whale. It aimed to help the Matrix.org foundation with upstream funding.
- Kusama Referendum #229 Infrastructure Costs of Subscan for Kusama & Statemine (from July to December 2022) was approved.
- Kusama Referendum #225 Kusama decentralization analytics, 9 months Continued operation (50% already delivered) was approved.
- Kusama Referendum #220 RMRKv2 Integration in KodaDot — Kusama’s NFT Infrastructure was rejected.
- HydraDX Referendum #54 Add iBTC & DOT liquidity to Omnipool has passed unanimously. Adding 105,000 DOT and 6.44 iBTC from the Treasury into Omnipool's liquidity.
- HydraDX Referendum #51 Initiate the first Treasury DCA orders passed and already executed. It aimed to place an on-chain remark to signify this historic moment, making the first HydraDX treasury DCA orders for HDX, DOT, and iBTC. Along with this, also Referendum #52 and Referendum #55 passed, bringing the second and the third Treasury DCA orders into Omnipool.
- Basilisk Referendum #23 Rregister statemine PEPE on the snek failed. The referendum aimed to register PEPE on snek, mint PEPE on Statemine, XCM all PEPE to snek treasury, and revoke PEPE powers on Statemine.
- Centrifuge Referendum #35 CP53(GI): Listing CFG in HydraDX Omnipool & seeding initial liquidity passed and was already executed. This allowed listing EFG token in HydraDX Omnipool and seeding the initial liquidity.
- Moonbeam Referendum #103 Possible Solutions for Unsustainable Storage Growth — MBIP-5: Add a Storage limit per gas has passed. Iis generally more inline with Ethereum standards (both EIP-1559 and RPC compatibility) and so will lead to fewer integration problems for Solidity developers.
- Litentry Referendum #4 Support Token Rescue for Raenius#7875 due to Ledger Incompatibility has passed.
- Kintsugi Referendum #118 Enable qKSM and qUSDT as collateral for Kintsugi Vaults has passed unanimously.
- Polkadot Referendum #86 Substrate, XCM rust technical practice videos is currently failing. The aim of this referenda is to sponsor 10 education practical videos about Rust & Substrate.
- Polkadot Referendum #85 42 Week Media Order from The Kusamarian 🤖❤️ is currently passing. Kusamarian requests 42-week order of regular programming with 60% upfront. Kusamarian is one of the most visible content creators in the Polkadot ecosystem with projects such as AAG, Space Monkeys, Friday Dump or Alpha Shots, mostly focusing on YouTube video content.
- Polkadot Referendum #82 OnFinality High-Performance Public Infrastructure (Q2 2023) is currently failing.
- Polkadot Referendum #81 Bounty to back Apillon Web3 development platform as a common good infrastructure is not passing at this moment by a hit from the 12,8M account’s NAY. In this proposal, Apillon aims to transition its platform to an open-source infrastructure solution with permanent freemium access, governed by the community, further spurring Web3 adoption and Polkadot ecosystem growth.
- Polkadot Referendum #78 Blockops Network — Grant Proposal for the development of One-Click Parachain Deployment is currently failing.
- Polkadot Referendum #77 Smoldot development financing Q3/2023 is currently passing. This treasury proposal concerns the continuation of the financing of the development of Smoldot, a light client for Polkadot.
- Polkadot Referendum #71 Wasm Smart Contracts Bounty #19 is currently passing.
- Polkadot Referendum #70 Finsig SDK for Apple Products [Common Good Treasury Proposal] is currently falling.
- Polkadot Referendum #68 Treasury proposal for the development of DEX UI for Asset Conversion pallet (prev. DotSwap) is currently passing.
- Polkadot Referendum #67 Security Audit of trustless Ethereum 2.0 Light Client, developed as a Substrate Pallet is currently falling.
- Kusama Referendum #244 Maintenance for the substrate-api-client Aug-23 to Oct-23 is currently failing.
- Kusama Referendum #243 OpenGov Community Voting Discord Bot by ChaosDAO is currently passing.
- Kusama Referendum #242 Request for maintenance of Stakeworld’s RPC infrastructure and bootnodes is currently passing.
- Kusama Referendum #241 OnFinality High Performance Public Infrastructure (Q2 2023) is currently passing.
- Kusama Referendum #239 VOTE OPEN Treasury Proposal : Funding for Gavin Wood documentary / portrait is currently passing.
- Kusama Referendum #237 RadiumBlock seeks reimbursement for Kusama Endpoint Service (Q2 2023) is currently failing.
- Kusama Referendum #236 KSM liquidity subsidy for KSM liquid staking token — vKSM is currently passing.
- Kusama Referendum #235 Spending Tracks Reconfiguration - runtime v9431 is currently failing. This is the first community member to commit, implement and push for a community-led runtime upgrade.
- Moonbeam Referendum #106 Multichain bridge xcEQ and xcEQD tokens recovery was just started, so you can go and vote in this referendum right now.
- Moonriver Referendum #24 Register Bifrost Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) xcvKSM, xcvMOVR and xcvBNC on Moonriver is currently passing.
- Basilisk Referendum #24 HRMP channel openings with Bifrost, Shiden, Calamari and Kintsugi is passing.
- Polkadot discussion #1860 Infrastructure Funding for Polkadot Asset Hub — Migration of Kusama NFTs represents a strategic opportunity to migrate NFTs to Polkadot Asset Hub from Kusama Relay chain. Share your thoughts, feedback, and any questions to KodaDot team
- Polkadot discussion #1863 Encointer Treasury Funding Future focuses on the delivering and funding of a common good parachain focused on communities and their growth.
- Polkadot discussion #1862 Community-Centric Blockchain Education: Dacade’s Commitment to Polkadot’s Growth via learning through sharing aim to create a Polkadot learning community.
- Polkadot discussion #1855 POLKADOT INSIDER — 5 MONTHS OPERATION FEEDBACK SURVEY (FEB-JUN/2023) focus on delivering various different Polkdadot-related content.
- Kusama's #2590 Comprehensive Open Source Learning Pathway for Aspiring Polkadot Developers is in discussion right now.
If you want to dig deeper into Polkadot’s governance, definitely check out our descriptive article Governance: The greatest virtue of Polkadot.
- Strengthen Polkadot by nominating your DOT tokens to POLKADOTTERS, community builders for the Polkadot ecosystem
- Support Polkadotters Shrimp and Polkadotters Octopus on Polkadot and be a part of a more secure Web3 future
- Discover our presence on the DVA (DOT Validator Alliance) pool and join our efforts to secure the network by using Nomination pools