Polkadot governance news #7: OpenGov on Kusama HACNed. Is it a good or bad thing?!


In the wild chaos-land of Kusama, a mysterious whale account known as HACN arises. It consistently votes “NAY” on spending proposals, raising eyebrows and sparking debates within the community.

HACN, short for “Have Anyone Considered NAY,” represents skepticism towards spending proposals. Some see it as demotivating, discouraging worthy ideas. But there’s more to this OpenGov drama.

Amidst the chaos, HACN, the activist shareholder acts as a guardian of the treasury, ensuring careful evaluation and fiscal responsibility. It prevents unnecessary expenses and prompts critical assessment.

However, HACN’s opposition may discourage genuine contributors from sharing their proposals. This poses a dilemma for valuable initiatives that fear facing HACN’s dissenting vote. Some proposals got HACNed even before they wrote a description of what they head to. Some had very positive feedback from the community and no complaints or caveats at all. Now, ask yourself. Is that fair?!

HACN has recently initiated a campaign to shine a light on the crucial matter of treasury management and governance for the Polkadot Network and Kusama Network. HACN’s actions demonstrate a unique and proactive approach, similar to that of an activist shareholder, addressing the issue head-on.

Finding an equilibrium is key. Responsible treasury management is important, but supporting innovative projects is vital for OpenGov’s growth as well. Through reflection and community engagement, we shape a sustainable future.

  1. Polkadot Referendum #120 Runtime Upgrade for Collectives Parachain To v9420 successfully passed. This will also enable the Polkadot Technical Fellowship on this parachain.
  2. Kusama Referendum #214 Further decentralize collator set on Kusama system chains successfully passed. This proposal aims to decentralize the following system chains — Kusama Asset Hub (former Statemine) and Kusama Bridge Hub.
  3. Kusama Referendum #204 Privacy Sidechains for all Substrate-Based Chains was rejected. This treasury proposal aimed to retroactively cover the first 28 person-days of completed work on implementing privacy sidechains for any substrate-based chain.
  4. Kusama Referendum #203 OpenCommunity Governance successfully passed and was already executed.
  5. HydraDX Referendum #49 Add ASTR to Omnipool successfully passed and was already executed. ASTR is now tradable in the Omnipool.
  6. HydraDX Referendum #48 Mint 20M HDX & launch Hydrated Farms with DOT LM aiming to kick off HydraDX's Liquidity Mining programme by creating DOT LM Yield Farm successfully passed and was already executed. It will also provide Omnipool with extra 20M HDX of liquidity.
  7. Litentry Referendum #3 Litentry Token Burning Event #2 successfully passed and was already executed. Based on Litenry Identity Staking Inflation Model, the Litentry team burned the equivalent amount of new issuance 377,800 LIT quarterly for the next two years.
  8. Basilisk Referendum #25 Add liquidity mining pot account to whitelist successfully passed and was already executed. It added the pot account for the liquidity mining feature to the non-dustable accounts whitelist.
  9. Centrifuge Referendum #34 CP51: Onboarding the 2nd batch of collators has passed.
  10. Centrifuge Referendum #33 CP48(GI): CFG listing and Liquidity Incentives on Stellaswap on Moonbeam successfully passed. This referendum will enable to list of CFG on Stellaswap and mint 13847 CFG as incentive rewards into the Moonbeam wallet 4g14AyHrg4MrFubtUhq6omPsN6zmtfuMHD5Hg9NUzGj97Bdd.
  11. Kintsugi Referendum #110 Limit voting power of Kintsugi team and investors (Part 2) successfully passed and was already executed. This proposal implemented a restriction of voting power for two years for team and investors to ensure that Kintsugi decisions are fully decentralized.
  12. Kintsugi Referendum #109 Incentives for Kintsugi Lending successfully passed and was already executed. This proposal aimed to incentivize the supply of USDT and KSM markets with a total of 3,000 KINT for one month on the Kintsugi DEX.
  1. Polkadot Referendum #123 Batch of HRMP Channels with Statemint, proposing to open HRMP channels between Statemint and Litentry, Composable, Polkadex, and Zeitgeist is passing unanimously with another 21 days left to vote.
  2. Polkadot Referendum #121 Runtime Upgrade v9420 on Polkadot Network. This proposal aims to upgrade the relay chain to runtime 9420 and enable Polkadot OpenGov. It's currently passing with 99% in favor and last day left to vote.
  3. Kusama OpenGov Referendum #215 Visualize polkadot program phase1 bounty top up, requesting 3,100 KSM for the OpenSquare development. The referendum is currently passing with another 9 days left to vote.
  4. Moonbeam Referendum #100 Proposal to Register Asset xcCFG aims to register xcCFG as an XC-20. The referendum is currently passing unanimously with another 7 days left to vote.
  5. Litentry Referendum #4 Support Token Rescue for Raenius#7875 due to Ledger Incompatibility is currently passing with another 1 day to go.
  6. Kintsugi Referendum #113 OnFinality’s High Performance Public Infrastructure (Combined Q3 2022, Q4 2022, Q1 2023) is currently passing with another 1 day to go.
  7. Kintsugi Referendum #112 Runtime Upgrade 1.24.0: Weights & Fees is currently passing with another 1 day to go.
  1. Polkadot Council Motion #419 Subscan | Infrastructure Costs of Subscan for Polkadot & Westend & Rococo & Statemint & Rockmine Networks (from July to December 2022). Subscan team is applying for covering their costs for continuous operation and maintenance of Subscan.
  2. Polkadot Council Motion #418 Polkadot Decoded 2023 China (Satellite Event) July 15–16, 2023 in Shanghai China. The 2023 Decoded China event will therefore create pivotal experience to the fast growing Polkadot China community and the nearby markets such as Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and the rest of SEA. The China satellite event will feature presentations, panels, workshops, demos and aligned regional events (i.e. regional hackathon), delivered in the language of Chinese or English.
  3. Polkadot Council Motion #417 Milestone 2 Proposal: Polkadot Developer Hackathons and Crash Course for 1,000 Developers (#60DaysOfPolkadot). EasyA has already successfully achieved Milestone 1 and Milestone 2, while they started by opening educational opportunity to more parachains/projects and preparing the full content framework. EasyA develops a crash course in its mobile app (Android + iOS) for developers educating them on Polkadot and its parachains/projects. EasyA aims to hold 2 in-person hackathons in world-leading hubs London, UK and Boston, US for developers to participate in the final showdown.
  4. Kusama OpenGov discussion #2584 For 7 Kusama treasury proposal Audits. This proposal request for the funding of 7 audit reports.
  5. Kusama OpenGov Treasury Proposal discussion #2583 Kusama decentralization analytics, 9 months Continued operation (50% already delivered). Polkawatch provides decentralization analytics for Kusama and asks for funding for their operation.

If you want to dig deeper into Polkadot’s governance, definitely check out our descriptive article Governance: The greatest virtue of Polkadot.

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Polkadotters | Kusama & Polkadot validators

Czech bloggers & community builders. We are validators of Polkadot, Kusama, Darwinia, Crab, Bifrost, HydraDX, StaFi, Centrifuge under the name: POLKADOTTERS