Weekly news from Kusama&Polkadot #13


1. Robonomics is the winner of Kusama’s parachain auction #20

The fourth batch of parachain auctions on Kusama has just finished with the winning of Robonomics. Over 14,7k $KSM was raised from 1272 supporters during the crowdloan.

Robonomics is a project based on Substrate that focuses on IoT, Industry 4.0, robotics and Smart Cities. If you want to dig a bit deeper into Robonomics and its tech and usecases, check it out in our descriptive article.

Another batch just begin and it seems there are a few favorites to get a slot. We believe that auction #21 will go to Integritee Network, while the others can be filled by projects such as Crab Network (canary of Darwinia) or SORA.

2. HydraDX crowdloan is live

HydraDX launched their crowdloan. They applied to the second batch of Polkadot auctions with the goal to secure a parachain slot. If they will succeed in one of those 6 auctions, they will secure the slot for 96 weeks. Crowdloan cap is set up to 8,000,000 DOT. The rewards cap is set to 1 bil. HDX, which is 10% of the total supply. Rewards for users will be between 280 and 12.5 HDX per contributed DOT.

You can participate in the crowdloan and support HydraDX through Polkadot JS or some application that will reward you with the liquid version of DOT tokens, such as Bifrost or Parallel Finance.

Besides that, HydraDX announced one more interesting piece of information. The first part of the series is about LHDX, which is the pool token of the HydraDX Omnipool — a unique solution for the liquidity pools for AMMs in the crypto space.

Not sure what HydraDX stands for? Check out our previous article.

3. SORA is in the parachain auction on Kusama

SORA announced its parachain auction goals. SORA will try to reach a slot on the Kusama network and after that will go to Polkadot and its auctions. The main goal is to have the SORA Kusama parachain and SORA Polkadot parachain, which will be connected to the existing SORA network. This will bring cross-chain liquidity to Polkaswap DEX and its the first step to the interoperable future of SORA.

4. Crust won the 19th auction on Kusama and competes for a slot on Polkadot

The canary network of Crust called Crust Shadow won the 19th auction on Kusama by collecting over 30k $KSM from 1290 supporters.

Besides that, Crust Network started their crowdloan on Polkadot in the 2nd batch of auctions. They don't have much support yet, but we expect that with time, more supporters will come and lock their DOTs to help Crust Network win the slot on Polkadot.

There is one more thing to mention. Crust Files, your first personal Web3.0 storage in the Metaverse will be launched in Q1 of 2022. We will keep you updated once Crust Files will be ready to use!

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Also, consider supporting us by the nomination of your tokens to Kusama or Polkadot validator going by the POLKADOTTERS name.



Polkadotters | Kusama & Polkadot validators
Polkadotters | Kusama & Polkadot validators

Written by Polkadotters | Kusama & Polkadot validators

Czech bloggers & community builders. We are validators of Polkadot, Kusama, Darwinia, Crab, Bifrost, HydraDX, StaFi, Centrifuge under the name: POLKADOTTERS

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