Polkadot governance news #1
As we promised, we bring you our first governance news from Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. As you probably know, one of the main features of every parachain is the on-chain governance — the very same one you can find on Polkadot or Kusama. Therefore we feel important to highlight the most important governance related events not only from relay chains but from the whole Dotsama ecosystem!
- Polkadot: #58 Statemint Upgrade v800 referendum passed. Statemint is the first common good parachain for Polkadot and at this moment, the v800 runtime upgrade was already executed.
- Acala: Referendum #8 about Runtime Upgrade that enables a unified asset registry for all the on-chain assets, improves the transaction fee handling, and enables more Wasm optimizations. This referendum already passed a few days ago.
- Kusama: #187 Encointer Runtime Upgrade to Full Functionality is the newest executed referendum on Kusama. It’s goal is to upgrade the Encounter parachain runtime to full functionality.
- Kusama: #186 Remove Zug from the Council and replace with best runner-up is one of the actual referenda on Kusama which already failed. It had quite a large discussion with many pros and cons.
- Edgeware: Referendum #70 about the emergence of the technical moderator role. This referendum was based on the proposal #43 which discusses the need for the assisting role that will provide resolutions to developers/builders or the developer teams in the Edgeware ecosystem. This referendum didn’t pass.
- Kusama: #188 Open HRMP channel between Parallel Heiko and Statemine. This bi-directional channel referendum is already on place and at this moment its seems, that the on-chain governance is going to approve that.
- Edgeware: Referendum #71 is a treasury refererndum based on the treasury proposal #60 and its initiated by the Edgeware.Agency. To this date it’s passing.
- Moonriver: Referendum #82 Register Acala Dollar (aUSD) as a XCM fee token on Moonriver.
- Polkadot: RadiumBlock is seeking feedback on a potential Treasury Proposal for their validator snapshot service.
- Polkadot: OneBlock is seeking feedback on potential Treasury funding for their 2022 Summer Polkadot Hackathon, which will happen in China. The funding will serve for operations and winner prizes.
- Polkadot: B58 Finance is seeking feedback on a potential Treasury Proposal for Iris which is an open-source cross-browser fully-featured wallet.
- Polkadot: Open HRMP channel between Parallel Heiko and Statemine discussion. Parallel Heiko is proposing creating the bi-directional channel with Statemine. The approval process will be done through Kusama governance and the on-chain democracy proposal will come shortly.
- Polkadot: Treasury funding Motion #184 for fund Ask! 0.4 (original Ask-lite v0.1, ink! in AssemblyScript), is actually under consideration by Polkadot Council.
- Karura: Treasury tip proposal for creating a video on Karura FAQ focused on earning with LP kokens or Karura.
- Moonriver: #17 Updating XCM supporting version to XCM 2.0 on the Kusama network.
If you want to dig deeper into Polkadot’s governance, definitely check out our descriptive article, if you haven't yet!
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